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Stacking of plastic pallet

  Plastic pallet is a loading and unloading base plate composed of a load surface capable of carrying a number of items and a forklift socket, which is used to facilitate cargo loading and unloading, transportation, storage and distribution. It is an inconspicuous but ubiquitous logistics appliance in the logistics industry, and it is the main means of transforming static goods into dynamic goods. Although it is only one meter square, it can "move the whole earth", so it is also called "active ground" and "mobile cargo platform".

  Stacking of plastic pallet

  According to the type of goods, the quality of goods carried on the pallet and the size of the pallet, the stacking method of goods on the pallet shall be reasonably determined. The utilization rate of the bearing surface area of the tray shall not be less than 80% generally. There are the following requirements for the stacking of pallet goods:

  1. Wooden, paper, metal containers and other hard square goods are stacked in a single layer or multiple layers in a staggered manner, and packed with stretch or shrink film;

  2. Paper or fiber goods shall be stacked in a single layer and multiple layers, and shall be sealed in a cross manner with binding tape;

  3. Sealed metal containers and other cylindrical goods are stacked in single or multiple layers, and wooden covers are used for reinforcement;

  4. Paper products and textile goods requiring moisture-proof and water-proof protection shall be stacked in a single layer or multiple layers in a staggered manner, and corner supports shall be added to stretch or shrink film packaging goods, and reinforcement structures such as goods cover clapboard shall be added;

  5. Fragile goods shall be stacked one way or multi-layer, and wooden support clapboard structure shall be added;

  6. Cylindrical containers like metal bottles or goods shall be stacked vertically in a single layer, and the cargo frame and batten reinforcement structure shall be added;

  7. Bagged goods shall be stacked in staggered layers.

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