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Characteristics of plastics compared with other materials

  1. Light weight

  Plastic is a light material with a relative density of 0.90-2.2. Obviously, can plastic float on the water? In particular, the foamed plastic has a lighter texture and a relative density of only 0.01 due to its micropores. This property allows plastics to be used in the production of products that require weight reduction.

  2. Excellent chemical stability

  Most plastics have good corrosion resistance to acid, alkali and other chemicals. In particular, the polytetrafluoroethylene (F4), commonly known as the plastic king, is even more chemically stable than gold, and will not deteriorate if it is boiled in "aqua regia" for more than ten hours. F4 is an ideal corrosion resistant material due to its excellent chemical stability. For example, F4 can be used as a material for pipelines conveying corrosive and viscous liquids.

  3. Excellent electrical insulation performance

  Ordinary plastic is a poor conductor of electricity. Its surface resistance and volume resistance are very large, which can be up to 109-1018 ohms in numerical terms. The dielectric loss tangent is very small when the breakdown voltage is large. Therefore, plastics are widely used in electronic industry and mechanical industry. Such as plastic insulated control cable.

  4. Bad hot conductor with noise elimination and shock absorption

  Generally speaking, the thermal conductivity of plastics is relatively low, equivalent to 1/75-1/225 of steel, and the micropores of foamed plastics.

  It contains gas and has better heat insulation, sound insulation and shock resistance. For example, the thermal conductivity of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is only 1/357 of steel and 1/1250 of aluminum. In terms of heat insulation, the single glass plastic window is 40% higher than the single glass aluminum window, and the double glass window is 50% higher. After combining plastic windows with insulating glass, they can be used in residential buildings, office buildings, wards and hotels, saving heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. The benefits are very obvious.

  5. Wide distribution of mechanical strength and high specific strength

  Some plastics are hard, such as stone and steel, while others are soft, such as paper and leather; From the point of view of mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength, elongation and impact strength of plastics, they are widely distributed and have a wide range of options. Because of its small specific gravity and high strength, plastics have high specific strength. Compared with other materials, plastics also have obvious disadvantages, such as easy combustion, less stiffness than metal, poor aging resistance, heat resistance, etc.

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